
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Can she have some beef jerky?
People are funny. Maybe I should back up and fill in some details. I love taking Lydia with me to “guy” stores, for example: Home Depot, Harbor Freight, and Sears. We always have a great time and meet some interesting people along the way. Lydia can bring out the best in roughneck men, so I have found. A little while back we where at Harbor Freight looking for a 6” magnetic bowl that you can temporarily keep screws and bolts in when working so they do not get lost. When we found the gem and went to check out, one of the workers asked me if Lydia could have a piece of candy. Before you cast judgment on the decision I made I am of the mindset that you normally do not take candy from strangers, laced with drugs, dirty, etc... But this guy was being very thoughtful so I said, “sure.” He ran off to the back and was gone for several minutes. I almost walked out because I thought he forgot about us. But just in time he returned. He had a box of those sweetheart candies in his hand. As he handed it to Lydia I noticed something peculiar about the box, it was opened. He explained that it was all he had and he did in fact eat some earlier, hence the opened box. We thanked him and walked out with our half eaten box of candy. It was a lesson for Lydia on giving all that you have, literally. She was so excited!
Outing number 2. A few days later I took Lydia to an appointment and as we were waiting in the lobby a young couple came in and sat down. It was 8:30am so still breakfast time. Not too long after they sat down I hear a voice behind me say “sir, sir, excuse me, sir.” Realizing that I am the target of the attention getter, I turn around and smile and say “yes” as I notice the couple each with his and her super 64oz Mountain Dew and 18” long stick of beef jerky in each hand (remember still breakfast time). With a tone of sweetness and tenderness the man asks me “can she have some beef jerky?” as he is chewing what appears to be a bite from his bounty. Thankfully I was on my toes enough to say “oh thank you, but no, the beef jerky is too spicy for her.” At least I thought that was a safe answer. The beef jerky would have been harder to accept without consuming in front of the donators. (and I really do think that it would have been too spicy.) This too proved to be another teaching moment for Lydia in how we thanked the man for being so generous to us. He did not understand what was wrong with the beef jerky, but accepted my “thank you” anyway.
I am not sure what I was doing to provoke such generosity, maybe it was Lydia’s charm....either way I love to receive gifts and I think that these men were very generous in their offers. I have tried not to theologize the sweethearts and the beef jerky but I couldn’t help it. Sometimes I have wondered what I have sacrificed for others, or even God. These men gave all they had, it was a little...umm...well, I don’t know how to put it. Let me just say, I was blown away by their generosity, yet we were unable to enjoy their gifts because they were not “acceptable”. Is that how I give to you? Is that how I give of my resources to God? Thankfully, that is not what God has done for me, and us. He gives us his best! But it is a good reminder that we should give our best to others and God, because it may not be acceptable otherwise.